Negotiating with the Dead

Margaret Atwood
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Negotiating with the Dead
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8 /10
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What is the role of the writer? Prophet? High Priest of Art? Court Jester? Or witness to the real world? Looking back on her own childhood and writing career, Margaret Atwood examines the metaphors which writers of fiction and poetry have used to explain - or excuse! - their activities, looking at what costumes they have assumed, what roles they have chosen to play. In her final chapter she takes up the challenge of the title: if a writer is to be seen as 'gifted', who is doing the giving and what are the terms of the gift? Margaret Atwood's wide reference to other writers is balanced by anecdotes from her own experiences, both in Canada and on the international scene. The lightness of her touch is underlined by a seriousness about the purpose and the pleasures of writing, and by a deep familiarity with the myths and traditions of Western literature.* Author has won Booker prize for latest novel, The Blind Assassin (2000) * Atwood is studied now at sixth-form and university undergraduate level, so there will be a student as well as general market, and a market among students on creative writing courses * This book is a slightly expanded version of the Empson Lectures delivered at Cambridge in April 2000'Consistently enlivening ... Margaret Atwood's excellent book performs [that] vital function ... Her audience ... would have had no hesitation in according her the distinguished status thus implied.' The Spectator'A witty and profound rumination about writing.' The Times'Wearing her learning lightly, Atwood allows her wit to shine on almost every page.' Library Journal'This interesting and compelling book is as wise as it is charming, and it is very charming indeed.' Washington Post Book World
Data wydania: 2002
ISBN: 978-0-521-66260-4, 9780521662604
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Cambridge University Press


Margaret Atwood Margaret Atwood
Urodzona 18 listopada 1939 roku w Kanadzie (Ottawa)
Margaret Eleanor „Peggy” Atwood - kanadyjska pisarka, poetka i krytyczka literacka, aktywistka społeczna i ekologiczna. Zdobywczyni Nagrody Bookera w 2000, laureatka Nagrody Księcia Asturii w 2008, wymieniana wśród kandydatów do literackiej Nagrody ...

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Opowieść Podręcznej Testamenty Grace i Grace Pani Wyrocznia Penelopiada Rok potopu Ślepy zabójca Kocie oko Kobieta do zjedzenia Oryks i Derkacz Kamienne posłanie Moralny nieład Zbójecka narzeczona Czarci pomiot Wynurzenie Mistrzowie opowieści o miłości Namiot Serce umiera ostatnie Maddaddam Dobre kości Morderstwo w ciemności Okaleczenie ciała Wiersze przychodzą późno Życie przed mężczyzną Dzikość życia Dług Palące pytania Ruchome cele. Eseje umyślne z lat 1982-2004 Wysoko wśród drzew Negotiating with the Dead O pisaniu DANCING GIRLS Mistrzowie opowieści. O kobiecie Wdowi las
Wszystkie książki Margaret Atwood

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8 /10

Margaret Atwood o pisarzach i pisaniu - niestety w języku oryginału: ‘…there are a lot of people out there who’ll be damned if they let you get away with it [writing a book], you jumped-up smarty-pants. Publishing a book is often very much like being put on a trial, for some offence which is quite other than the one you know in your heart you’ve committed’. I ‘Nobody hates writers more than writers do. The most vicious and contemptuous portraits of writers, both as individuals and as types, appear in books written by writers themselves. Nobody loves them more, either. Megalomania and paranoia share the writer’s mirror’.

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