Stolen Course

Aly Martinez
Stolen Course
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I fell in love with Manda Baker eight years ago, and I loved her to the core of her soul. We were supposed to have that elusive happily ever after and spend a lifetime together. But that was all before she was STOLEN from me. Her best friend, Sarah Erickson, killed her. It wasn’t intentional. It was far worse. Everyone claims it was just an accident, but I can see through the lies. Even if it’s with my dying breath, I will make her pay for what she did. Fate hates me. It robbed me of my first love and left me to navigate through this world emotionless and numb. Then, one day, spiteful fate gave me a woman to fill my shattered soul and make me feel again. It gave me Emma Jane Erickson. Now I spend my days searching for the answers that will ruin Sarah and my nights falling in love with her sister—the one person who is bound and determined to save her. But what happens when everything you know to be true explodes around you? Who will be left to pick up the pieces, and who will need to be saved from the wreckage  
Data wydania: 2014-05-21
ISBN: 1-4995-4044-2, 1499540442
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Cykl: Wrecked and Ruined, tom 2
Stron: 258


Aly Martinez Aly Martinez Amerykańska pisarka, a prywatnie mama czwórki dzieci. Autorka cyklu On the Ropes, w skład którego wchodzą pozycje „Walcząc z ciszą” oraz „Walcząc z cieniami”.

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Walcząc z ciszą Uwolnienie Pisane z żalem Pisane z tobą Różnica między kimś a kimkolwiek Walcząc z cieniami Kiedy słońce nie wschodzi Kiedy słońce nie zachodzi Odzyskanie Różnica między cudem a sposobem Walcząc z samotnością Za horyzontem Prawda o nas Changing Course Prawda o kłamstwach Broken Course Retrieval Stolen Course The Fall Up Transfer
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