In his new novel - his ninth book - Stasiuk returns to the world beforeDukla: to Warsaw. A few people are trying to gain a foothold in a societythat has little to offer in the way of normality beyond showyneo-capitalism and a shabby existence on the fringes of society. The storyhinges on Pavel, a young businessman who is unable to pay his debts and whois being brutally pursued by his creditors. This gripping novel is a filmnoir, the story of an escape for which the motif is unclear, flight atheavy loss, leading the protagonists through stations and industrialestates, grim suburbs and finally to the roofs of the town, where thepursuit comes to an end. "The author has smoothly transposed his animisticview of the world, his inspired depiction of landscapes and objects fromDukla to the big city. That is what is really heroic about this novel."(Katrin Hillgruber, Frankfurter Rundschau)