In her new role as protector of the Siyee, Auraya investigates sightingsof a landwalker stranger in their land. She meets a mysterious womanclaiming to be a friend of Mirar's: a woman who makes an offer Auraya isunable to refuse, but which she must conceal or risk the wrath of thegods. In the south, Mirar enjoys acceptance and respect as he reclaims hisplace among his people, but that freedom will come at a cost. Meanwhile,Emerahl is at last able to join the Thinkers in their search for theScroll of the Gods, but the truth may not be revealed in the form sheexpects. And the Pentadrians, frustrated by their defeat at the hands ofthe Circlians, plot and scheme to bring down their enemies by means otherthan direct conflict. As the promise of peace dies, and two peoples areonce more drawn inexorably into war, Auraya is unable to avoid beingcaught up the conflict. The key to everything, though, may lie with theWilds, who embark upon a quest for secrets buried long ago. Secrets thatcould change the world.