Sayings and Imperatives

Jean-Marc Kania
Sayings and Imperatives
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YOMOKO Publishing is pleased to announce the release of a new book by Jean-Marc Kania – “SAYINGS AND IMPERATIVES” which motto is:


This book presents sayings and imperatives cited from Professor Jean-Marc Kania’s scientific and popular science outputs, including books and public appearances. All of them are the result of the author’s critical thinking and detailed analysis inter alia in the areas of philosophy, science, human behavior, religion, and politics.

The citations are based on facts and science, which makes them concise, although sometimes they deviate from the norm to point out the essence of the given view.

The book – “SAYINGS and IMPERATIVES” is lavishly and provocatively illustrated to reflect the essence of the presented citations, what ipso facto deepens and expands the author's message.

YOMOKO PUBLISHING entertains a hope that the presented video lecture will be a reason for reflection and will stimulate critical thinking in the perception of reality, including religious views.

So, find inspiration and explore other points of view through the prism of sayings and imperatives. Enjoy the exciting journey to places free from ideological restriction.
Data wydania: 2024-08-01
ISBN: 978-83-913227-7-2, 9788391322772
Rodzaj: e-book
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: YOMOKO
Stron: 54
dodana przez: kazal_ka


Jean-Marc Kania Jean-Marc Kania Amerykański filozof i myśliciel. Zajmuje się zastosowaniem nauk podstawowych do wyjaśniania istoty bytu Natury i jej ewolucyjnego produktu – człowieka w aspekcie optymalizacji systemów społeczno-ekonomicznych, tj. poszukiwania doktryny, dzięki które...

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Gra va Banque Nie-Kontrolowane rozmowy Prioteoria w zastosowaniach. Społeczeństwo. Religia. Biznes. Kreatywne Myślenie. Teoria i Praktyka SEDNO Sayings and Imperatives Urojenie a rzeczywistość
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