Linwood Barclay
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On the morning she will never forget, suburban teenager Cynthia Archerawakes with a nasty hangover and a feeling she is going to have an evennastier confrontation with her mom and dad. She isn't. Instead, the houseis empty, with no sign of her parents or younger brother Todd. At firstshe just thinks it's weird, then more and more scary, until finally theterrifying reality hits her: in the blink of an eye, without anyexplanation, her family has simply disappeared. Twenty-five years laterthe mystery is no nearer to being solved and Cynthia is still haunted byunanswered questions. Were her family murdered? If so, why was she spared?And if they're alive, why did they abandon her in such a cruel way? Nowmarried with a daughter of her own, Cynthia knows that without answers -however shocking they might prove to be - she will never be emotionally orpsychologically whole, living in daily fear that her new family will betaken from her just as her first one was. And so she agrees to take partin a TV documentary revisiting the case, in the hope that somebodysomewhere will remember something - or even that her father, mother orbrother might finally reach out to her...First nothing. Then just a fewcrackpots and scam artists coming out of the woodwork. And then theletter, a letter which makes no sense and yet chills Cynthia to the core.And soon she begins to realise that stirring up the past could be theworst mistake she has ever made...
ISBN: 978-0-7528-9404-1, 9780752894041
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Orion Books


Linwood Barclay Linwood Barclay Linwood Barclay rozpoczął karierę dziennikarstwa w 1977 roku w Peterborough Examiner, przeniósł się do Oakville w 1979 roku, a potem do Toronto Star w 1981 roku, gdzie był kolejno zastępcą redaktora miasta, edytorem wiadomości, redaktorem naczelnym s...

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