Connie's unhappy marriage to Clifford Chatterley is one scarred by mutualfrustration and alienation. Crippled from wartime action, Clifford isconfined to a wheelchair, while Connie's solitary, sterile existence iscontained within the narrow parameters of the Chatterley ancestral home,Wragby. She seizes her chance at happiness and freedom when she embarks ona passionate affair with the estate's gamekeeper, Mellors, discovering aworld of sexual opportunity and pleasure she'd thought lost to her. Theexplosive passion of Connie and Mellors' relationship - and the searingcandour with which it is described - marked a watershed in twentiethcentury fiction, garnering Lady Chatterley's Lover a wide and enduringreadership and lasting notoriety. The text is taken from the privatelypublished Author's Unabridged Popular Edition of 1930, the last to besupervised in the author's lifetime. It also includes Lawrence's MySkirmish with Jolly Roger, his witty essay describing the pirating of thismost notorious novel which was specially written as an Introduction to thisedition.