Trust the market-leading author team that has set the standard for quality, reliability, accuracy, and innovation edition after edition to help you put your students on the forefront of understanding today's corporate finance and financial management. Brigham/Houston's new FUNDAMENTALS OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, CONCISE EDITION, Sixth Edition, is First in Finance with a unique, proven, compact approach to teaching introductory finance principles that offers a unique balance of clear concepts, contemporary theory, and practical applications. Because the goal of financial management is to maximize a firm's value, this new Concise Edition emphasizes the concept of valuation throughout, covering Time Value of Money (TVM) early to allow students time to absorb the concepts fully. The book's strong, focused foundation in the basics makes it easier for students to understand the how and why of corporate budgeting, financing, and working capital decision making. Throughout this edition, the authors emphasize an understanding of applications using numerous real-world examples, proven end-of-chapter application problems, and Integrated Cases that present chapter topics in actual life scenarios and demonstrate theory in action. Excel Spreadsheet Models ensure students can maximize today's technology. The seamless, integrated package prepared by the text authors--a hallmark strength of the book--continues to offer comprehensive tools to reduce preparation time and further your students' understanding. The sixth edition now includes Aplia for Finance, the leading homework solution in educational publishing today, and Thomson One Business School Edition, the same financial online database professionals use every day. See Brigham/Houston's FUNDAMENTALS OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, CONCISE EDITION, Sixth Edition, again for the first time and remember anew how numerous strengths make this book your first choice in corporate finance today.