Give future and current managers a thorough understanding of the financial theory that is essential for developing and implementing effective financial strategies in business today. Brigham/Ehrhardt's leading FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: THEORY AND PRACTICE, 13E is the only text that presents a striking balance between solid financial theory and practical applications. Your students gain a strong working knowledge of today's financial environment as this edition examines recent financial crises; the global economic crisis; and role of finance in the world, business, and your students' personal lives. This book's relevant and engaging presentation, numerous examples, and emphasis on using Excel spreadsheets prepare students to make sound financial decisions in business. The book progresses from an early presentation of fundamentals to specific techniques and discussions that guide students in maximizing the value of a firm. This text is not only the ideal choice for today's introductory MBA course, but also serves as a complete reference tool for students throughout their academic and business careers. Integrated practice using Thomson ONE-Business School Edition gives students hands-on experience with the same research tool Wall Street professionals use daily. The book's comprehensive support, including best-selling Aplia Finance for homework management and numerous online resources, helps you establish the strong financial foundation and skills students need for long-term business success.