Intermediate Financial Management 10e

P. Daves, Eugene F. Brigham
Intermediate Financial Management 10e
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Now you can trust the only text specifically written for your Intermediate or Advanced Corporate Finance course--Brigham/Daves' INTERMEDIATE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, Tenth Edition--to keep your students first in finance with a full understanding of the conceptual theories and practical skills that lead to stronger financial decisions. This comprehensive text from the renowned author team Brigham/Daves reinforces coverage from earlier courses in corporate finance for a clear presentation, while providing new advanced material to challenge even your most advanced learners. A strong presentation of corporate valuation as a unifying theme emphasizes the theoretic groundwork for value maximization and the practical skills to analyze business decisions.You will find in-depth coverage of core issues as well as the most current coverage of developing issues reshaping finance today. The book's leading, reader-friendly approach incorporates timely actual business examples and integrated cases as well as ExcelŽ spreadsheet models to demonstrate how financial theory in practice leads to solid financial decisions. The latest financial innovations continue throughout a comprehensive support package that reduces your preparation time and offers your students practice using THOMSON ONE-BUSINESS SCHOOL EDITION, the same financial online database Wall Street professionals trust every day. Rely on Brigham/Daves' INTERMEDIATE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, Tenth Edition, to keep you and your students first in finance throughout your intermediate or advanced corporate finance course.
Data wydania: 2010
ISBN: 978-0-324-59469-0, 9780324594690
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: TEP - Thompson Educational Publishing

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