Give future and current managers a thorough understanding of the financial theory that is essential for developing and implementing effective financial strategies in business today. Brigham/Ehrhardt's...
Dr. Eugene F. Brigham is Graduate Research Professor Emeritus at the University of Florida, where he has taught since 1971. Dr. Brigham received his M.B.A. and Ph.D. from the University of California-...
Trust the market-leading author team that is First in Finance to help put your students on the forefront of understanding today's corporate finance and financial management. Brigham/Houston's FUNDAMEN...
Trust the market-leading author team that has set the standard for quality, reliability, accuracy, and innovation edition after edition to help you put your students on the forefront of understanding ...
Now you can trust the only text specifically written for your Intermediate or Advanced Corporate Finance course--Brigham/Daves' INTERMEDIATE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, Tenth Edition--to keep your students ...
Książka jest cenionym na świecie źródłem wiedzy o zarządzaniu finansami, przeznaczonym dla menedżerów i studentów studiów MBA. Publikacja jest doskonale napisana, zawiera niezbędną teorię, jasne po...
Zarządzanie finansami to podręcznik do studiowania finansów firmy, jeden z pierwszych o tak szerokim zakresie na polskim rynku. Zaletami tego podręcznika -- oprócz wysokiego poziomu merytorycznego i k...