Empress of the Seven Hills

Kate Quinn
Empress of the Seven Hills
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From the national bestselling author of Daughters of Rome and Mistress of Rome comes a tale of love, power, and intrigue spanning the wilds of the Empire to the seven hills of Rome. Powerful, prosperous, and expanding ever farther into the untamed world, the Roman Empire has reached its zenith under the rule of the beloved Emperor Trajan. But neither Trajan nor his reign can last forever... Brash and headstrong, Vix is a celebrated ex-gladiator returned to Rome to make his fortune. The sinuous, elusive Sabina is a senator's daughter who craves adventure. Sometimes lovers, sometimes enemies, Vix and Sabina are united by their devotion to Trajan. But others are already maneuvering in the shadows. Trajan's ambitious Empress has her own plans for Sabina. And the aristocratic Hadrian-the Empress's ruthless protégé and Vix's mortal enemy-has ambitions he confesses to no one, ambitions rooted in a secret prophecy. When Trajan falls, the hardened soldier, the enigmatic empress, the adventurous girl, and the scheming politician will all be caught in a deadly whirlwind of desire and death that may seal their fates, and that of the entire Roman Empire...  
Data wydania: 2012-04-01
ISBN: 978-0-425-24202-5, 9780425242025
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Berkeley
Cykl: Cesarzowa Rzymu, tom 3
Stron: 502
dodana przez: bookkeeper


Kate Quinn Kate Quinn
Urodzona 30 listopada 1981 roku w USA (Long Beach, Kalifornia)
Kate Quinn tworzy intrygujące i wzruszające powieści historyczne. Prezentuje w nich mało znane wydarzenia i postacie, które niejednokrotnie zaginęły w odmętach minionych wieków. "Sieć Alice" jest bestsellerem przedstawiającym życie i siłę kobiet, pł...

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Sieć Alice Kod róży Oko snajperki Łowczyni Klub Dzikiej Róży Kochanica cesarza Wąż i perła Daughters of Rome Empress of the Seven Hills The Lion and The Rose
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