
D.B. Reynolds
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Kauai, Hawaii—tropical paradise, vibrant jungle, turquoise sea... and sensuous nights that hide vampires so powerful they can change the world. Raphael—powerful, extraordinary, arrogant. He’s been eliminating rivals and gathering allies, determined not just to survive, but to demolish the Europeans who think they can steal what he’s worked for centuries to create. In a final bid to avert a war that seems inevitable, Raphael agrees to meet an enemy he knows of old. She is formidable, wily, and not to be trusted. But in his arrogance, Raphael believes he can foil whatever treachery she has brewing. Cynthia Leighton—Raphael’s human mate, beautiful, smart, and deadly when threatened. She doesn’t trust anyone, much less a powerful vampire claiming to want peace. So while Raphael prepares to negotiate a treaty, Cyn is preparing for the inevitable double-cross that she knows is coming. Raphael worries about saving thousands of vampire lives. She only cares about one, and she will do anything to keep him alive and in her arms. When Cyn is proven right, when it all falls apart and Raphael’s enemies draw on ancient magic to trap him, taking him away from Cyn and out of the war, it all falls to her—to find Raphael, to save the thousands of vampires who will die if she doesn’t succeed... and to kill every single being, human or vampire, who gets in her way.  
Data wydania: 2015-03-31
ISBN: 1-61194-589-5, 1611945895
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: ImaJinn Books
Cykl: Vampires in America, tom 9
Stron: 343


D.B. Reynolds D.B. Reynolds D. B. Reynolds is the author of the Vampires in America series. The first three volumes--Raphael, Jabril and Rajmund--are currently available from ImaJinn Books and all on-line retailers, incluidng Amazon and Fictionwise. The series fourth volume, S...

Pozostałe książki:

Hunted Rajmund Sophia Aden Betrayed: A Cyn and Raphael Novella Christian Compelled: A Cyn and Raphael Novella Damian Deception Detour: A Cyn and Raphael Novella Dragan Duncan Gabriel Jabril Kato Lachlan Lucas Lucifer Nicodemus Quinn Raphael Relentless Unforgiven Vampires in America: The Vignettes, Volume 1 Vincent Xavier Heart of the Wolf Shifter Planet Vampires in America: The Vignettes - Volume 2
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9 /10

Rewelacyjna w swoim gatunku. Dalsze losy Raphaela i Cyn... Tym razem zastawiono na Lorda Zachodu pułapkę... Raphael, w swej arogancji, daje się podejść. Ale Cynthia czuwa i nie pozwoli, by jej ukochanemu grożono. Uwielbiam ten cykl romansu paranormal, więc zupełnie obiektywnie daję mu bardzo wysoką ocenę:) Polecam wielbicielkom...

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