Crisped + Sere

T.J. Klune
Crisped + Sere
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Twenty-one days. In a world ravaged by fire and descending into madness, Cavalo has been given an ultimatum by the dark man known as Patrick: return Lucas to him and the cannibalistic Dead Rabbits, or the town of Cottonwood and its inhabitants will be destroyed. But Lucas has a secret embedded into his skin that promises to forever alter the shape of things to come—a secret that Cavalo must decide if it’s worth dying over, even as he wrestles with his own growing attraction to the muted psychopath. Twenty-one days. Cavalo has twenty-one days to prepare for war. Twenty-one days to hold what is left of his shredded sanity together. Twenty-one days to convince the people of Cottonwood to rise up and fight back. Twenty-one days to unravel the meaning behind the marks that cover Lucas. A meaning that leads to a single word and a place of unimaginable power: Dworshak.  
Data wydania: 2016-08-23
ISBN: 1-63477-068-4, 1634770684
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: DSP Publications
Cykl: Immemorial Year, tom 2
Stron: 340


T.J. Klune T.J. Klune
Urodzony 20 maja 1982 roku w USA (Roseburg, Oregon)
Travis John Klune jest amerykańskim autorem fantastyki i romantycznych powieści, w których występują postacie homoseksualne i LGBTQ+. Jego powieść fantasy, @Link, jest bestsellerem New York Times i laureatką Alex and Mythopoeic Awards w 2021 roku.

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Dom nad błękitnym morzem Pod szepczącymi drzwiami Wilcza pieśń Życie marionetek Krucza pieśń Pieśń serca Crisped + Sere Heat Wave How To Be A Normal Person Withered + Sere
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