Zeromski's last novel tells the story of Cezary Baryka, a young Pole whofinds himself in Baku, Azerbaijan, a predominantly Armenia city, as theRussian Revolution breaks out. He becomes embroiled in the chaos caused bythe revolution, and barely escapes with his life. Then, he and his fatherset off on a horrendous journey west to reach Poland. His father dies enroute, but Cezary makes it to the newly independent Poland. Here hestruggles to find his place in the turmoil of the new country. Cezary seesthe suffering of the poor and the working classes, yet his experiences inthe newly formed Soviet Union make him deeply suspicious of socialist andcommunist solutions. Cezary is an outsider among both the gentry and theworking classes, and he cannot find where he belongs. Furthermore, he hasunsuccessful and tragic love relations. The novel ends when, despite hisprofound misgivings, he takes up political action on behalf of the poor.