Truth of Power Intellectual Affairs in Clinton White House

Benjamin R. Barber
Truth of Power Intellectual Affairs in Clinton White House
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President Clinton had a romance with big ideas. He cultivated intellectuals intently, seducing them with his characteristic charm and the promise of real influence on the political stage. "The Truth of Power" captures how Clinton's seductive charisma and the high hopes of the '60s generation came together in an exhilarating and disappointing "affair". Drawing on his six years of experience as an informal adviser to the president, Benjamin R. Barber reflects on the relationship between power and ideals, visionary leadership and pragmatic politics. Should ideas have a claim on presidential power, or is leadership by polling actually more in tune with the demands of democracy? What happens to intellectuals seduced by presidential attention? And will the future grant Clinton a substantial legacy?
Data wydania: 2001
ISBN: 978-0-393-02014-4, 9780393020144
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Norton & Company


Benjamin R. Barber Benjamin R. Barber
Urodzony 2 sierpnia 1939 roku w USA (Nowy Jork)
Benjamin R. Barber – amerykański filozof polityczny i politolog. Po uzyskaniu certyfikatów w London School of Economics (1957) i Albert Schweitzer College w Szwajcarii (1959) Barber kształcił się w Grinnell College gdzie w 1960 roku uzyskał licencj...

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