Craig Russell
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The heavens are stained with the blood of men, As the Valkyries sing theirsong. Njals Saga Jan Fabel is a troubled man. His relationships with thewomen in his life are becoming increasingly complicated: his partner,Susanne, is looking for a deeper commitment. His daughter is consideringjoining the police and his ex-wife holds him responsible. If that werentenough, after a gap of ten years, a female serial killer - the Angel of StPauli - again makes the headlines when an English pop star is found inHamburgs red-light district, dying of the most savage knife wounds. Linksemerge with a series of apparently unrelated events. A journalist murderedin Norway. The death of a Serbian gangster. And a long-forgotten project byEast Germanys Stasi conceived at the height of the Cold War, involving ahighly-trained group of female assassins, known by the codename Valkyrie.Fabels hunt for the truth will bring him up against the most terrifyinglyefficient professional killer. The ultimate avenging angel. Fabel soonrealizes the real danger he faces in hunting the Valkyrie ...That he mightjust catch up with her.
ISBN: 978-0-09-954794-5, 9780099547945
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: ARROW BOOKS


Craig Russell Craig Russell
Urodzony w 1956 roku w Wielkiej Brytanii (Fife)
Craig Russell – szkocki autor powieści kryminalnych. Zanim zdecydował się na podjęcie kariery zawodowego powieściopisarza był funkcjonariuszem policji oraz zajmował się reklamą jako copywriter. Płynnie mówi po niemiecku i bardzo interesuje si...

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