Ozzy, Sharon, Jack, and Kelly are the epitome of dysfunctional chic. Theirfamily life was exposed as chaos in the MTV phenomenon The Osbournes, theshow has breathed new life into one of the most enduring careers in rockand roll show business. At times poignant, most often hilarious, TheOsbournes present the nightmare reality of a dream come true - withshocking results. Here in their own words, are the sentiments and opinionsof all four members of the family. With color photos. QUOTES INCLUDE: 'I'mnot proud of everything I've done&but I'm a real guy. It could be worse. Icould be Sting.' OZZY OZZY TO SHARON 'You don't need to hire a dogtherapist, you just need to wake up at 7am and open the fucking door!'OZZY TO KELLY 'You haven't been playing doctors and nurses have you?' 'Ittastes like fizzy piss, but I'll have some' KELLY 'I'm an ass-kicking fatkid.' JACK