The Mayfair Moon

J.A. Redmerski
The Mayfair Moon
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After a nightmarish encounter with a werewolf, seventeen-year-old Adria Dawson loses her sister, but gains the love of a mysterious young man and his legendary family. Strange and tragic things begin to happen in the small town of Hallowell, Maine: residents come down with an unexplainable ‘illness’ and some disappear. In the midst of everything, Isaac Mayfair is adamant about keeping Adria safe, even from her sister whom he has warned her to stay away from. As unspeakable secrets unfold all around Adria, impossible choices become hers to bear. Ultimately, no matter what path she takes, her life and the lives of those she loves will be in peril. As she learns about the werewolf world she also learns why her place in it will change the destinies of many.  
Data wydania: 2012-02-06
ISBN: 978-1-4681-8552-2, 9781468185522
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Cykl: The Darkwoods Trilogy, tom 1
Stron: 352
dodana przez: bookkeeper


J.A. Redmerski
Urodzona 25 listopada 1975 roku w USA (Little Rock, Arkansas)
J. A. Redmerski- Jessica Ann Redmerski jest wielokrotnie nagradzaną autorką bestsellerów "New York Times", "USA Today" oraz "Wall Street Journal". Sławę przyniosły jej takie tytuły jak "Na krawędzi nigdy" czy "Zabić Sarai". Jessica Ann Redmerski ur...

Pozostałe książki:

Zabić Sarai Na krawędzi nigdy Drugie życie Izabel Łabędź i szakal Zło w zarodku Czarny wilk Na krawędzi zawsze W rękach mordercy Behind the Hands That Kill Spiders in the Grove Kindred Na krawędzi zawsze The Ballad of Aramei The Mayfair Moon
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