Storm Warning

Linda Sue Park
Storm Warning
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The end is near! Book 9 of the #1 NY Times Bestselling series. JOIN ANYTIME TO PLAY FOR THE CHANCE TO WIN! Throughout the hunt for the 39 Clues, Amy and Dan have encountered some of the darkest aspects of history . . . and had to deal with the role their family played. But are they ready for the truth? In this thrilling ninth installment, Amy and Dan hit the high seas as they follow the trail of some infamous ancestors to track down a long lost treasure. However, the real prize isn't hidden in a chest. It's the discovery of the Madrigals' most dangerous secret and, even more shockingly, the true identity of the mysterious man in black.  
Data wydania: 2010-05-25
ISBN: 978-0-545-06049-3, 9780545060493
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Scholastic
Cykl: 39 wskazówek, tom 9
Stron: 190
dodana przez: bookkeeper

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O nie! Książka Storm Warning. czuje się pominięta, bo nikt nie dodał jeszcze do niej cytatu. Może jej pomożesz i dodasz jakiś?
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