Sin & Suffer

Pepper Winters
Sin & Suffer
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"Some say the past is in the past. That vengeance will hurt both innocent and guilty. I never believed those lies. Once my lust for revenge is sated, I'll say goodbye to hatred. I'll find a new beginning." SIN & SUFFER She came from a past Arthur "Kill" Killian never forgot. She made him sin and made him suffer. She tugged him from the shadows and showed him he wasn't as dead as he thought. And with her resurrection came betrayal, deceit, and war. But then they took her. Stole her. Imprisoned her. Now Kill's carefully laid plans for vengeance are complete. He craves action, retribution-the blood of his enemies. War has begun. War is all they'll know until they've paid their penance. He will get her back-and rewrite their destiny . . .  
Data wydania: 2016-01-26
ISBN: 978-1-4555-8938-8, 9781455589388
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Forever
Cykl: Pure Corruption MC, tom 2
Kategoria: Literatura piękna
Stron: 496


Pepper Winters Pepper Winters to pełnoetatowa pisarka, która swój warsztat szkoliła w „The New York Times” i „Wall Steet Journal”. Wielokrotnie nagradzana za najlepsze Dark Romance, najlepszego Bohatera czy serię BDSM. Wydała już dwadzieścia książek, a "Łzy Tess" t...

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Łzy Tess Kwintesencja Q. Korona kłamstw. Duet. Tom 1 Tron Prawdy. Duet. Tom 2 Chaos zmysłów Pszczoła i nocny motyl Destroyed Debt Inheritance Dollars Final debt First Debt Fourth Debt Indebted Epiloque Pennies Ruin & Rule Second Debt Sin & Suffer Third Debt Twisted Together
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