Fourth Debt

Pepper Winters
Fourth Debt
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Fifth Book in the New York Times Bestselling Series “We’d won. We’d cut through the lies and treachery and promised an alliance that would free us both. But even as we won, we lost. We didn’t see what was coming. We didn’t know we had to plan a resurrection.” Nila Weaver fell in love. She gifted her entire soul to a man she believed was worthy. And in the process, she destroyed herself. Three debts paid, the fourth only days away. The Debt Inheritance has almost claimed another victim. Jethro Hawk fell in love. He let down his walls to a woman he believed was his cure. For a moment, he was free. But then he paid the ultimate price. There is no more love. Only war. Hope is dead. Now, there is only death all around them.  
Data wydania: 2015-08-11
ISBN: 978-1-5122-0366-0, 9781512203660
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Cykl: Indebted, tom 5
Stron: 314


Pepper Winters Pepper Winters to pełnoetatowa pisarka, która swój warsztat szkoliła w „The New York Times” i „Wall Steet Journal”. Wielokrotnie nagradzana za najlepsze Dark Romance, najlepszego Bohatera czy serię BDSM. Wydała już dwadzieścia książek, a "Łzy Tess" t...

Pozostałe książki:

Łzy Tess Kwintesencja Q. Korona kłamstw. Duet. Tom 1 Tron Prawdy. Duet. Tom 2 Chaos zmysłów Pszczoła i nocny motyl Destroyed Debt Inheritance Dollars Final debt First Debt Fourth Debt Indebted Epiloque Pennies Ruin & Rule Second Debt Sin & Suffer Third Debt Twisted Together
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"Life after death… Love after debts… Is it possible after so much pain?"
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