A step-by-step guide to a business strategy that works for you You've got customers to please, products to make, services to deliver. You need a strategy and you need it quick. But how do you devise the right strategy for your business? You've got no time for theory or jargon, you need practical results that deliver straight to the bottom line, now. This book tells you everything you need to know to develop an effective strategy for your business, using real information from your company. This straightforward, step-by-step guide coaches you through the key questions such as: * Where do you really earn your money? * How good is your competitive position? * Is this a good industry to be in? * What do your customers think? * How do you increase profits quickly? To make the application of the lessons you learn from Simply Strategy even easier, specially-written software to analyze your company date is available. For more information and free sample activities, see the website at pearson-books.com/simplystrategy or simplystrategy.com