Record of a Spaceborn Few

Becky Chambers
Record of a Spaceborn Few
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Hundreds of years ago, the last humans left Earth aboard the Exodus Fleet. After centuries spent wandering empty space, humanity was welcomed — mostly — by the well-established species that govern the Milky Way. Their generational journey came to an end. But this is old history. Today, the Exodus Fleet is a living relic, a place many are from but outsiders have seldom seen. Exodans take great pride in their community and traditions, but the cultures from beyond their bulkheads have profoundly influenced their own. Those who have not yet left for alien cities and terrestrial colonies are left grappling with questions: What is the purpose of a ship that has reached its destination? Why remain among the stars when there are habitable worlds within reach? How can they maintain their carefully balanced way of life — and is it worth saving at all? Record of a Spaceborn Few unravels this complicated reality through a cast of new voices: A young apprentice unsure of his future. A lifelong spacer who wonders if her children might be better suited for the ground. A planet-raised traveler. An alien academic. A caretaker for the dead. And of course, the Archivist, who ensures no one’s story is forgotten. Set in the sprawling universe of the Galactic Commons, this third standalone instalment of the Wayfarers series travels to another corner of the cosmos — one often mentioned, but not yet explored.  
Data wydania: 2018-06-14
ISBN: 978-1-4736-4760-2, 9781473647602
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Hodder & Staughton
Cykl: Wayfarers, tom 3
Stron: 400
dodana przez: bookkeeper


Becky Chambers Becky Chambers
Urodzona 3 maja 1985 roku w USA
Becky Chambers – amerykańska pisarka science fiction. Laureatka Nagrody Hugo. Becky Chambers urodziła się w 1985 roku w USA, w Południowej Kalifornii. Jej ojciec był inżynierem lotniczym, a matka wykładowcą astrobiologii. Dorastała na przedmieściac...

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