Meet Me at the Cupcake Cafe

Jenny Colgan
Meet Me at the Cupcake Cafe
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Ever dreamed of starting over? Issy Randall can bake. No, more than that -Issy can create stunning, mouth-wateringly divine cakes. After a childhoodspent in her beloved Grampa Joe's bakery she has undoubtedly inherited histalent. So when she's made redundant from her safe but dull City job, Issydecides to seize the moment and open up her own cafe. It should be a pieceof cake, right? Wrong. As her friends point out, she has troubleremembering where she left her house keys, let alone trying to run her ownbusiness. But Issy is determined. Armed with recipes posted to her fromGrampa, and with her local bank manager fighting her corner, Issy attemptsto prove everyone wrong. Following your dreams is never easy and this is noexception. Can Issy do it?
Data wydania: 2011-04-14
ISBN: 978-0-7515-4449-7, 9780751544497
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Little, Brown Book Group
Stron: 496


Jenny Colgan Jenny Colgan Brytyjska autorka komedii romantycznych. Na swoim koncie ma już ok. 12 powieści. Jej twórczość jest zbliżona tematycznie do powieści takich autorek jak Helen Fielding (Dziennik Bridget Jones), Lauren Weisberger (Diabeł ubiera się u Prady) czy Candace...

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