Dark Horizons

Jenny Colgan
Dark Horizons
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On a windswept northern shore, the islanders believe the worst they have to fear is a Viking attack. Then the burning comes. Water will not stop it. It consumes everything in its path - yet the burned still speak. The Doctor encounters a people under attack from a power they cannot possibly understand. They have no weapons, no strategy and no protection against a fire sent to engulf them. The islanders must take on a ruthless alien force in a world without technology; but ath least they have the Doctor on their side... Don't they?  
Data wydania: 2012
ISBN: 978-1-84990-457-5, 9781849904575
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: BBC BOOKS
Cykl: Doctor Who: New Series Adventures, tom 50
Stron: 309


Jenny Colgan Jenny Colgan Brytyjska autorka komedii romantycznych. Na swoim koncie ma już ok. 12 powieści. Jej twórczość jest zbliżona tematycznie do powieści takich autorek jak Helen Fielding (Dziennik Bridget Jones), Lauren Weisberger (Diabeł ubiera się u Prady) czy Candace...

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Spotkajmy się w kawiarni Świąteczna księgarnia Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend Randka z Addisonem Working Wonders Ślub Amandy Dark Horizons Doctor Who: Time Reaver Good the Bad and the Dumped Meet Me at the Cupcake Cafe Poszukiwany Andrew McCarthy
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