Courilof Affair

Irène Némirovsky
Courilof Affair
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In 1903 Leon M-a devout terrorist-is given the responsibility by the Revolutionary Committee of publicly "liquidating" Valerian Alexandrovitch Courilof, a notoriously brutal and cold-blooded minister. Posing as his newly appointed personal physician, Leon M is made privy to the inner world of Courilof-his failing health, his troubled domestic situation and, most importantly, the tyrannical grip that the Czar himself holds over all his ministers, forcing them to obey him or suffer the most deadly punishments. Set in Kiev and St. Petersburg, The Courilof Affair, the story of one man's inquisition during the Bolshevik Revolution, is both an elegy to a world lost and an unsparing observation of human motives and behaviour during a period of radical upheaval in European history.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-09-949398-3, 9780099493983
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Arrow


Irène Némirovsky Irène Némirovsky
Urodzona 24 lutego 1903 roku
Francuskojęzyczna pisarka pochodząca z rodziny rosyjskich Żydów. Irène Némirovsky tworzyła we Francji, wydając z sukcesem kilka powieści. Dwie z nich zostały wkrótce po opublikowaniu sfilmowane.

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Wszystkie książki Irène Némirovsky

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