Brother and Sister

Joanna Trollope
Brother and Sister
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We all need to know where we come from, where we belong. But for David and Natalie, this need to know is even more urgent, since they are adopted. Brought up by the same parents, but born to two different mothers, they have grown up as brother and sister, and share a fierce loyalty. Their decision, in their late thirties, to embark upon the journey to find their birth mothers is no straightforward matter. It affects, acutely and often painfully, their spouses and children, the people they work with, and, most poignantly, the two women who gave them up for adoption all those years ago, and who have since made other lives, even borne other children. Exploring her subject with inimitable imagination and humanity, Joanna Trollope once again works her magic. In this rich narrative, at once gritty and graceful, she exposes the extraordinary challenges that arise at the heart of ordinary lives.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-552-15234-1, 9780552152341
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Transworld Publ. Ltd UK


Joanna Trollope Joanna Trollope Joanna Trollope (ur. 9 grudnia 1943 roku w Minchinhampton, Gloucestershire ), to angielska powieściopisarka. Joanna Trollope kształciła się w Reigate County School for Girls po St Hugh's College, Oxford. Od 1965 do 1967 roku pracowała w Ministerstwie...

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