Aerosols - Science and Technology

Igor Agranovski
Aerosols - Science and Technology
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This self-contained handbook and ready reference examines aerosol science and technology in depth, providing a detailed insight into this progressive field. As such, it covers fundamental concepts, experimental methods, and a wide variety of applications, ranging from aerosol filtration to biological aerosols, and from the synthesis of carbon nanotubes to aerosol reactors.
Written by a host of internationally renowned experts in the field, this is an essential resource for chemists and engineers in the chemical and materials disciplines across multiple industries, as well as ideal supplementary reading in graduate level courses.
Data wydania: 2011-09-07
ISBN: 978-3-527-32660-0, 9783527326600
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wiley-VCH
Stron: 497


Igor Agranovski Igor Agranovski Prof Agranovski has 34 years of research and industrial experience in the areas of air quality control and monitoring, bioaerosol research and nanotechnology, both in academia and industry worldwide. He has consulted for 51 companies worldwide and d...

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