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Fans of Princess Mia will be celebrating the return of the whole gang in the sixth installment of the popular series. Lilly and Grandmere are a force to be reckoned with as they try to get Mia elected...
Never before has the world seen such a princess. Nor have her own subjects, for that matter. But Genovian politics are nothing next to Mia's real troubles. Between canceled dated with her long-sought-...
The sixth hilarious novel in the best-selling THE PRINCESS DIARIES series which has taken the world by storm! How can Mia bear it? Michael, her one true love, has gone away to college, leaving her to ...
Mia is about to turn eighteen and has decided to put down her princess pen for good. This is your one and only chance to find out how it all ends and crucially, will Michael Moscovitz return from Japa...
Princess just want to have fun . . . And Mia does too, despite the fact that the student government over which she presides is suddenly broke. But Grandme re's got a wacky scheme to raise the money, c...
Yes! Finally! Just what you've been waiting for! This book has it all: Preventing your tiara from slipping off. Keeping your pores squeaky clean. Winning the heart of the boy of your dreams (or, at th...
Princess Mia may seem like the luckiest girl ever. But the truth is, Mia spends all her time doing one of three things: preparing for her nerve-racking entrée into Genovian society, slogging through t...
Neuer Auftritt, Prinzessin! Trouble zwischen Prinzessin Mia und ihrem Herzensprinzen: Partymuffel Michael boykottiert den Abschlussball! Damit kann Mia den Ball der Bälle knicken. Zeit für Mia, sich e...
Eigentlich wollte sich Prinzessin Mia ihren Traumprinz Michael angeln. Stattdessen zieht sie einen Frosch an Land: Kenny, ihren Klassenkameraden. Mit dessen Hilfe könnte Mia zwar die anstehenden Prüfu...
When he wasn't maddening her with desire, he was infuriating her with his words. She feared his touch because she longed for it, and she knew that she wouldn't be able to resist him again if he kissed...
W siódmej części serii Mediator, Susannah Simon chce zrobić dobre wrażenie w swojej pierwszej pracy po ukończeniu collegu (i zaręczeniu się z doktorem Jesse’m de Silva). Ale kiedy napotyka na swojej d...
An exciting New Adult instalment of the most popular YA series in all the land! Princess Mia is engaged to be married, but since when in Mia's life did anything go to plan?! Fall back in love with Mia...
Der neue Fall fur Heather Wells � die ungewohnlichste Amateurdetektivin New Yorks!
When you peak at fifteen, where can things go but downhill? Former teen popsensation Heather Wells has hit rock bottom: tired of singing otherpeople's lyrics, she hasn't exactly been bombarded with re...
Just because the students at New York College have flown the coop doesn't mean assistant residence hall director Heather Wells can relax. Fischer Hall is busier than ever, filled with squealing thirte...
Heather should be happy. She's finally got a boyfriend and, although he was only supposed to be her "rebound guy", things have become serious fast. Tad's got a question he wants to ask Heath...
Kiedy dyrektor prosi Jenny, żeby zaopiekowała się nowym uczniem, nicjeszcze nie zapowiada katastrofy. Ale to przecież... Luke Striker,największy nastoletni gwiazdor Hollywood! Jako Lucas Smith przygot...
The first of three "Princess Diaries", which have been described as "an American "Bridget Jones" for pre-teens", based around a teenage New Yorker who unexpectedly finds herself becoming a princess. A...
Mia is about to turn fifteen and can't wait to dance the night away withMichael at the biggest, most romantic event of her life so far: the seniorprom! But nothing's going according to plan. Not only ...
Uff! Nareszcie! Koniec nudnej wizyty w Genowii. Teraz Mia może się zająćtym, co jest naprawdę ważne: swoim życiem uczuciowym. Najchętniejspędzałaby każdą wolną chwilę z Michaelem. Ale Grandmere ma inn...
14-year-old Mia Thermopolis is still coming to terms with the fact that she's a princess - and heir to the throne of Genovia! But when she announces on national TV that her mum is pregnant by her alge...
Heather Wells is used to having her cake and eating it too, but this time her cake just might be cooked. Her wedding cake, that is. With her upcoming nuptials to PI Cooper Cartwright only weeks away,...
The last place Suze Simon expects to find herself during Valentine’s Day is a cemetery. But that’s what happens when you’re a mediator – cursed with the “gift” of communicating with the dead. That’s ...
In the early 1920s, the last great age of world explorers, a remarkable young woman, Janet Elliott Wulsin, set out with her husband, Frederick Wulsin, for the far reaches of China, Tibet and Mongolia ...
Victoria Growing up in far-off India, wealthy young heiress Lady Victoria Arbuthnot was accustomed to handling her own affairs -- not to mention everyone else's. But in her sixteenth year, Vicky is un...
Ksiażka składa się z trzech utworów napisanych przez poszczególne autorki: 1. Żmija - Jill Barnett 2. Koty - Geralyn Dawson 3. Gwiazdka - Patricia Cabot Książka jest zbiorem trzech wspaniałych opowieś...
Czasami sprawy rodzinne są znacznie ważniejsze niż te związane z przyjaciółmi – a nawet niż te romansowe.
“Dlaczego ona i pan Gianini nie używali środków antykoncepcyjnych? (...) Co stało się z jej kapturkiem dopochwowym? Wiem, że go używa. Raz kiedyś, kiedy byłam mała, znalazłam go pod prysznicem. Zabrałam go sobie i przez parę tygodni służył jako basenik dla ptaków w ogródku mojego domku dla Barbie, aż mama wreszcie go znalazła i zabrała z powrotem.”
“Nikt nie zaczepi dziewczyny w wojskowych butach, a już zwłaszcza wegetarianki.”
“Chciałabym kiedyś zamieszkać na Islandii. Wydaje mi się, że to fajne miejsce. O wiele fajniejsze niż Manhattan, gdzie ludzie czasem plują na siebie bez powodu.”