Zambia is one of the best destinations in Africa for walking safaris,river safaris, hot springs and waterfalls, yet it is little explored bytravellers. The fourth edition of Zambia covers all the prime attractions,and much more, including all national parks, from the Lower Zambezi andKafue to the famous Luangwa Park, host to several unique species and thetop place for leopard-spotting. Advice for the independent travellerencompasses everything from choosing first-class bushcamps, lodges andhotels to organising memorable safaris.. Detailed coverage of national parks. Wildlife species identification plus details of flora and faunahighlights on a regional basis. Comprehensive listings provide a mine of information on individual lodgesand camps. Adventure activities such as white-water rafting and canoeing on theZambezi, and microlighting above Victoria Falls. People and culture, including festivals, dancing and crafts