The Web Design Index has become the industry standard for trackinginnovations in web design. The sites featured in this series are selectedfrom those nominated on the website, from the portfoliosof designers who have recently received web awards and from the work of newdesigners who have received recognition for innovative design. Theselection process focuses not only on visual design but also onfunctionality and the innovative use of new technologies. Since its firstedition in the year 2000, the annual Web Design IndexWeb Design Indexcontains 1002 outstanding web pages. With each web page, the URL isindicated, as well as the names of those involved in the design andprogramming. Selection for the Web Design Index is based on design quality,innovation, and effectiveness, and the books offer examples of allconceivable forms and styles. has developed into one of the most importantpublications in its field. Year after year, it gives an accurate overviewof the state of the art in web design. Every The Pepin Press/Agile RabbitEditions web design indexes are international best-sellers, with about aquarter of a million copies sold worldwide.