Untold Stories

Alan Bennett
Untold Stories
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Untold Stories is Alan Bennett`s first collection of prose since Writing Home and takes in all his major writings over the last ten years. The title piece is a poignant family memoir with an account of the marriage of his parents, the lives and deaths of his aunts and the uncovering of a long - held family secret. Also included are his much - celebrated diaries for the years 1996 to 2004, as well as essays, reviews, lectures and reminiscences ranging from childhood trips to the local cinema and a tour around Leeds City Art Gallery to reflections on writing, honours and his Westminster Abbey eulogy for Thora Hird. At times heartrending and at others extremely funny, Untold Stories is a matchless and unforgettable anthology.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-571-22830-0, 9780571228300
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Profile Books


Alan Bennett
Urodzony 9 maja 1934 roku w Wielkiej Brytanii (Leeds)
Alan Bennett – brytyjski aktor i pisarz, autor licznych publikacji, tłumaczeń, utworów scenicznych. Urodził się jako syn Lilian Mary Peel i Waltera Bennetta. W latach 1946-52 uczęszczał do Leeds Modern School. W 1957 ukończył studia na wydziale h...

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Czytelniczka znakomita La cerimonia del massaggio Four stories Untold Stories
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