Trading Instincts

C. Faith
Trading Instincts
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What's the best way to become a successful investor and trader? Will following your instincts give you better returns? Why does trading come naturally to some people, and how can you learn from them?
Legendary traders such as George Soros and Benjamin Graham use a full range of tactics and techniques to achieve their stock market success. But they don't only use analysis and statistics, they also use their instincts and intuition.
Curtis Faith, author of the bestseller Way of the Turtle, reveals why intuition and instincts are an amazingly powerful trading tool. In Trading Instincts he shows you how to harness, sharpen, train and trust your instincts to develop confident trading strategies. And just as importantly, you'll learn when not to trust your instincts and how to combine them with careful analysis.
Data wydania: 2010
ISBN: 978-0-273-73541-0, 9780273735410
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Pearson Education

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