The Wilt Inheritance

Tom Sharpe
The Wilt Inheritance
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Henry Wilt, Tom Sharpe's beleaguered hero, returns again for anotherhilarious dose of quickfire farce. Stuck in a job he doesn't want -- but can't afford to lose -- as nominalHead of the Communications Department at Fenland University, Wilt is stillsubject to the whims of The Powers That Be, both in and outside of work.The demands of his snobbish wife Eva, and the stupendous school fees of hisdespicable quadruplet daughters, cause him the biggest headaches... apartfrom the hangovers, that is. When Eva signs him up for a summer job,teaching the gun-toting idiot son of a lusty local aristocrat, Wilt is notamused. But, as circumstances unravel and the summer goes on, Wilt seesthat the situation could be put to his financial advantage, as well asgiving Eva some headaches of her own. With Tom Sharpe's famous dark humour in full evidence, and an explosiveplot which takes its readers to places they never realised they wanted tovisit, The Wilt Inheritance is another instant classic from the Britishmaster of farce.
ISBN: 978-0-09-949312-9, 9780099493129
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: ARROW BOOKS


Tom Sharpe Tom Sharpe
Urodzony 30 marca 1928 roku w Wielkiej Brytanii (Londyn)
Thomas Ridley „Tom” Sharpe – angielski nauczyciel akademicki oraz pisarz satyryczny. Najbardziej znany z powieści o Henrym Wilcie, zdemoralizowanym wykładowcy w college'u. Tom Sharpe to kontynuator wielkiej tradycji angielskich pisarzy satyryków. Je...

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Wilt Alternatywa według Wilta Odjazd według Wilta Wilt w drodze donikąd Nieprzystojne obnażenie Szalone dni Wilta Zemsta Skulliona Blott on the Landscape Grantchester Grind Great Pursuit Gropes Indecent Exposure Midden Porterhouse Blue Riotous Assembly The Wilt Inheritance Throwback Vintage Stuff W. H. Auden Wilt on High
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