It's Wednesday morning. You hate your job so much you haven't done any workfor two weeks and nobody's noticed. You share an office with a sad andobsessed Trekkie whose computer manuals are encroaching on your workspace.Your breakfast routine has gone wrong. It's your 29th birthday. So you havethe worst hangover in the world and you're on the Number 11 buscircumnavigating the dreariest suburbs Birmingham has to offer. The bottleof red you've been necking is nearly gone and the passengers on the bus arefreaking you out. You sip into the Jug of Ale for a pint. And now you'retrapped in the gents by a man-mountain with only one eyebrow and if youthought things could only get better, YOU WERE WRONG... Stickleback is anovel about men's need for routine and what happens when life intervenes.A funny, poignant and fast-moving tale of office life, drinking, drugs,love, friendship, clubs, football, computer programming and the perfectfinancial heist.