A long time ago in galaxy far, far away a really quite good SF film, asort of western in space, was launched. The special effects were prettyshoddy but it did have some quite good actors in it. And Mark Hammill. Asecond and third film that were actually the fifth and sixth filmsfollowed and they weren't quite so good but they were still quite fun(especially when the teddies got blasted by the Imperial stormtroopers). Then, the first, second and third films followed and they were actuallyfairly dreadful though by now the special effects were much better. Andthe actors were still better than average too. And Mark Hammill was tooold to be in it plus his character hadn't been born yet so that was OK. A Gollancz parody was inevitable. And here it is. An epic told in sixchapters. An epic of good versus evil. Of dark versus light. Of hairyco-pilots and green gurus. Of bizarre hair styles, steel bras and camprobots. An epic that starts in the middle. And that's the original!