'Perhaps the greatest attraction of all, considering the long years ofisolation, is the welcome the visitor can expect to receive,' writes Serbiaauthor Laurence Mitchell. With this guide to one of southeast Europe's mostexciting destinations Laurence Mitchell introduces travellers not only torural monasteries and tranquil national parks but also to hip nightclubsand swinging summer festivals. This fully revised third edition providesfresh information to business visitors, adventure travellers and those withan interest in art, history or wildlife. As a prime destination for wintersports, mountain resorts and a range of health spas in spectacular settingsare covered. Also included is information on the newly independent state ofKosovo. New to tourism, Serbia is determined to show the world all itsattributes: delicious food, beautiful countryside, low prices, safe traveland excellent city nightlife. The scars of war have faded and visitors cancertainly expect a warm welcome. Raise a glass of belo vino and toastSerbia's reawakening. . The only English-language guidebook dedicated to Serbia . Essentiallanguage section . Fully updated and revised practical information