Saunders' Pocket Essentials of Psychiatry

Basant K. Puri
Saunders' Pocket Essentials of Psychiatry
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This book provides a short introduction to psychiatry for medical students during their psychiatric clerkship and for residents in psychiatry. This handy pocketbook provides a concise introduction to the subjectand helps with exam revision. Revision questions are included.Provides a compact, highly portable resource perfect for clinical rounds.Emphasizes important points with a clear and concise use of bullet points and diagrams.Includes DSM-IV criteria for many major psychiatric disorders.Contains a useful glossary.Provides DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for major disorders.Includes approximately 40 line drawings to clarify key concepts.Provides final exam questions and answers geared toward the new curriculum.Contains new content on a myriad of topics, including: the signs and symptoms of anxiety; Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; recreational drug use; community based treatment; chronic fatigue syndrome (ME); personality, epidemiology and aetiology; management and organization of services; psychological and social aspects of management; drug treatments; and risk assessment.
Data wydania: 2000
ISBN: 978-0-7020-2575-4, 9780702025754
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Bailliere Tindall

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