For the first time the Oxford Handbook of Oncology and Emergencies in Oncology have been bundled together representing excellent value for the medical student or junior doctor purchaser. The combination of practical advice and essential background information with an easily accessible guide in emergencies presents a unique package essential to every doctor and medical student. The Oxford Handbook of Oncology is a practical guide to the clinical consultation in oncology. Covering the scientific basis as well as diagnosis, it includes investigations, management and palliative care issues in cancer. It has been extensively revised and updated for the new edition to reflect recent advances in oncology with particular emphasis on new therapies. It includes new approaches to diagnosis and treatment and there is an expanded section on oncological emergencies with practical advice for immediate patient management. The first part covers the general principles of cancer aetiology, the key treatment modalities, namely, surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy, and the development of novel therapies through clinical trials. This is followed by a systematic account of the current management of individual cancers according to their site of origin. Each chapter includes epidemiology, pathology, staging, treatment, and prognosis. This part also contains an outline of current areas of research and appropriate references to guide the reader to more detailed oncology publications. The third part of the book provides information to aid in the day-to-day management of cancer patients, including practical advice on symptom control and the assessment and treatment of oncological emergencies. This handbook is the essential guide to practical management of everyday clinical situations and will be invaluable to junior doctors in oncology, palliative care and general medicine, as well as specialist nurses, general practitioners, medical students, pharmacists and professions allied to medicine. Emergencies in Oncology seeks to provide an easily accessible evidence based guide to the diagnosis and management of acutely ill patients with cancer. The scope of the book is limited to those emergencies directly caused by the cancer or by its treatment and those conditions where there is a strong predisposition caused by the cancer. Many of these emergencies will be familiar to non-oncologists, however others will not. Any delay caused by unfamiliarity can have disastrous results, for example irreversible neurological deficit in unrecognised spinal cord compression. Not all the emergencies covered in this book require immediate recognition and treatment to prevent potential fatal outcomes, however, all these conditions require urgent action to reduce morbidity and distressing symptoms for patients. The book therefore provides practical guidance on the management of the acute and distressing symptoms that often arise in the ill cancer patient.