Numerical Linear Algebra

David Bau III, Lloyd N. Trefethen
Numerical Linear Algebra
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This is a concise, insightful introduction to the field of numerical linear algebra. The clarity and eloquence of the presentation make it popular with teachers and students alike. The text aims to expand the reader's view of the field and to present standard material in a novel way. All of the most important topics in the field are covered with a fresh perspective, including iterative methods for systems of equations and eigenvalue problems and the underlying principles of conditioning and stability. Presentation is in the form of 40 lectures, which each focus on one or two central ideas. The unity between topics is emphasized throughout, with no risk of getting lost in details and technicalities. The book breaks with tradition by beginning with the QR factorization - an important and fresh idea for students, and the thread that connects most of the algorithms of numerical linear algebra.
Data wydania: 1997
ISBN: 978-0-89871-361-9, 9780898713619
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Society of Industrial & Applied Mathematics U.S

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