Multilayer Flexible Packaging

J. Wagner
Multilayer Flexible Packaging
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In the food, personal care products, and over-the-counter pharmaceutical industries, packaging provides safety, freshness and visual appeal for point of sale awareness. The great majority of flexible packaging films are multilayer in order to combine different polymers for enhanced properties. Coatings such as PVDC, acrylic and vacuum deposited aluminum are used to provide barrier. Differentially placed additive packages add special surface properties and in many cases adhesives are required to join incompatible layers. Cost is a relative assessment and multilayer films provide effective packaging for products in these industries. There are many available books covering food packaging; rightly so, as this is a complex and important industry. This book offers to fill a hole in the existing published books in its comprehensive treatment of the technology behind the manufacture of multilayer films and in providing descriptions and key performance properties of many flexible packaging films. It will be of primary interest to managers, engineers, and technicians who invent, design, and manufacture flexible packaging films. It will also be of interest to individuals in the food, personal care products, and over-the-counter pharmaceutical industries who specify and buy the packaging for their products.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-8155-2021-4, 9780815520214
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: William Andrew Publishing

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