Methods in Enzymology v351 Guide to Yeast Genetics & Molecu

Ch Guthrie
Methods in Enzymology v351 Guide to Yeast Genetics & Molecu
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This volume and its companion, Volume 350, are specifically designed to meet the needs of graduate students and postdoctoral students as well as researchers, by providing all the up-to-date methods necessary to study genes in yeast. Procedures are included that enable newcomers to set up a yeast laboratory and to master basic manipulations. Relevant background and reference information given for procedures can be used as a guide to developing protocols in a number of disciplines. Specific topics addressed in this book include cytology, biochemistry, cell fractionation, and cell biology.
Data wydania: 2002
ISBN: 978-0-12-310672-8, 9780123106728
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Academic Press

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