Make Mine Vodka 250 Classic Cocktails and Cutting Edge Infus

S. Waggoner
Make Mine Vodka 250 Classic Cocktails and Cutting Edge Infus
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It's like the difference between Pravda and Prada. Vodka - once the liquor favoured by beet-faced Soviet bureaucrats, has undergone a complete makeover, becoming the spirit of choice for fashion forward cocktail aficionados worldwide. With more than 200 different vodkas now on the market - including a burgeoning, international array of top-shelf and flavoured varieties - it's high time for a book devoted solely to vodka's distinctive, sometimes sublime pleasures. Susan Waggoner and Robert Markel have teamed up again to create a book especially for the contemporary vodka drinker. They evaluate a wide range of today's vodkas, comparing them by origin, key ingredients, and available flavours. Designed in a beautiful retro style, the book offers 150 vodka-based recipes, from irresistible classics to today's cutting-edge cocktails, and advises readers on making their own flavoured vodkas, including coffee, honey, peach, and key lime infusions. Tips on expert drink-making - when to shake and when to stir, how to create stunning garnishes - abound.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-1-58479-543-8, 9781584795438
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Stewart Tabori & Chung

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