A Birthday Surprise, a New Journey West, and a Delightful Reunion! But Then Comes Tragedy.
Marty and Clark Davis's daughter Missie and her husband had homesteaded land in the far West, many weeks' journey away by covered wagon. But with the coming of the frontier railroad, the miles are suddenly bridged, making possible their long-awaited reunion.
Grandparents Marty and Clark are thrilled to meet their two little grandsons for the first time. Missie, anxious to hear news from home, plies her mother with questions about her brothers and sisters. And as Willie proudly shows the two visitors around his successful ranch, Missie, just as proudly, shows them the little soddy that was their original home.
But the joyful reunion is shattered by a tragic accident ?. Will they ever be a happy family again?
A gentle story of faith and love and joy in the midst of the swirling storms of life.