Linda Fairstein
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When the police are called to a building on New York's Upper East Side,Detective Mike Chapman and Assistant DA Alexandra Cooper respond quickly.A resident, Tina Barr, is alleged to have been assaulted, but she refusesto co-operate with their enquiries. Within a day Alex and Chapman are backat the same building, confronted with the body of a woman, battered todeath and with a mysterious jewel-encrusted book beside her. But thevictim isn't Tina Barr, and Tina has disappeared. The book is part of arare collection at the New York Public Library and Alex and Chapman areplunged into the deadly world of the super-rich - those who protect theirfortunes and collections more carefully than other people's lives.
ISBN: 978-0-7515-4033-8, 9780751540338
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Sphere

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