This book provides useful information about verbs for beginning and intermediate students of Japanese. It's a handy reference to turn to when you have questions about Japanese verbs and how to use them. Charts and tables make the key points understandable at a glance, and the many example sentences show how to use verbs correctly in context. This book does not attempt a complete exposition of Japanese grammar. Instead, it provides a wealth of practical information in one specific area for people who need to speak or write Japanese. The book is organized according to how verbs are used. If you want to know how to ask a person to do something, for example, just check the Index for "Asking Favors and Making Requests" and go to that page. Special sections are devoted to areas of Japanese verbs that often cause difficulty for students, including polite forms, causatives, passives, and transitive/intransitive pairs. Each of these areas is covered clearly and in detail with charts, explanations, and example sentences.