Investment Management

W. Wagner, T. Spangler
Investment Management
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Today's investment professional faces the formidable challenge of funding the retirement of millions of workers as well as meeting the capital formation needs that sustain businesses around the world. During these extremely volatile times, the rate at which changes are occurring in areas directly impacting the practice of investing has forced individuals in this field to "think about their thinking" and reexamine some of their long-standing assumptions. Wayne Wagnerunderstand the issues affecting investment managers, fiduciaries, trustees, and regulators striving to meet the challenges of funding pensions, deficits, and growth. Now, with Investment Management, Wagner and Rieves address these issues through the contributions of acknowledged authorities from various investment management companies, consulting firms, professional associations, and universities.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-470-45594-4, 9780470455944
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wiley&Sons
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