The Faroes are eighteen North Atlantic islands located northwest ofScotland and halfway between Iceland and Norway. Since 1948 they have beenan autonomous region of Denmark with their own parliament, flag andofficial national language. Known for their towering cliffs and mountainousterrain, these islands offer a unique opportunity to hike through some ofEurope's most unspoilt landscapes, explore traditional fjordside villages,cycle around remote valleys or watch the 300 or so species of birds.Despite their remote location, the Faroe Islands are easily accessible bysea and air. Luxury ferry service operates from Scotland and Europe andthere are direct flights from Stansted, Aberdeen and Copenhagen.. Getting to the Faroes, by air and sea, including specialist touroperators; plus getting around the islands. Comprehensive guide to the capital, Tórshavn. Suggested hiking routes across the islands, complete with maps. Natural history and wildlife in depth, with a guide to birdwatching