Falling Completely

Aidan Willows
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Falling Completely
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MALIYA Falling in love is not for me. I don’t do relationships, they never end well. I don’t believe in fate, soul mates or happy, fairy tale endings. I’m definitely not a sweet little princess in search of her prince. I have a plan to follow and falling in love is not part of that plan. Nothing is going to change my mind. Not even a domineering, gorgeous, blue-eyed firefighter who seems to be everywhere I go. CALEB The moment I saw her, I knew. I knew the funny, curvy, raven haired beauty was supposed to be mine. She may not agree with me at the moment, but I’m a patient man. I’m not afraid to play dirty to get what I want. And I want Maliya Abbott. When her sister decides to move from London, across the Atlantic Ocean to Starling Falls to run an estranged relative’s bakery, Maliya Abbott is pretty sure her sister has lost her ever-loving mind. Not wanting to be separated from the only family she has left, Maliya goes with her, a move that was only supposed to last a year. After all, training to be a doctor at the same University her parents did had always been her goal. What she hadn’t planned on, was meeting Caleb Jameson. A man who is adamant they are destined to be together. That would be great, if she actually believed in any of that crap. She also hadn’t planned on his insane, lovable, meddling family trying to derail her plans. Maliya is a smart girl. She knows what she wants and what she doesn’t want. She definitely wants to go to Oxford University and train to become a doctor. She definitely does NOT want anything to do with Caleb Jameson. Now, if only she could get her stupid heart to listen to her head. Authors Note: 18+ For mature readers only. Book contains graphic language, scenes of a very sexual nature, a dirty-talking and determined alpha male, a sassy and food obsessed heroine who talks to herself far too much, a cynical and suspicious geriatric aunt, a meddlesome family, some very unhelpful friends, a mind controlling goldfish and a possibly cannibalistic cat…
Data wydania: 2016-01-14
ISBN: 978-1-310-52746-3, 9781310527463
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Smashwords Edition
Stron: 216

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